Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Introduction and types of spectrum

Spectra pattern polychromatic light after dispersion system (such as a prism, a grating) spectrophotometry, was spread by the monochromatic color wavelength (or frequency) and size in order of priority, called the spectrum. The largest part of the spectrum is a part of the visible spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum visible to the human eye, in the wavelength range of visible light is referred to as electromagnetic radiation. Spectrum does not contain all the colors of the human brain visual that can be different, such as brown and pink.

Light is made up of atoms within the movement of electrons generated. The movement of atoms of various substances different internal electronics, they are also different light emission. Case studies of different luminescent material that absorbs light and has important theoretical and practical significance, has become a specialized discipline spectroscopy. The following outlines some of the knowledge spectrum.

Spectroscope spectroscopic observation of spectrum use, here we speak about construction principles spectroscope. Spectroscope constructed by the collimator, consisting of prism and telescope tube.

Spectral Type:
Spectrum emission spectrum emitting objects directly called emission spectrum. Emission spectra of two types: continuous spectrum and bright line spectrum;
Continuous distribution contains various colored light from red to violet spectrum, called a continuous spectrum. Hot solid, liquid and high-pressure gas emission spectrum is a continuous spectrum. Such as light, the light emitted by hot molten steel lamp filaments are emitted a continuous spectrum.

Only contains some discontinuous bright line spectrum is called bright line spectrum. Bright line spectrum of the bright line is called the line, each corresponding to a different spectral line wavelength light. Emission spectrum rarefied gas or metal vapor is bright line spectrum. It is a bright line spectrum of atomic emission free state, also called atomic spectroscopy.

Observation of a solid or liquid substance atomic spectrum, you can put them into the gas lamp flame or arc to burn, so that they gasification light, you can see them in the bright line spectrum from a spectroscope.

Experiments show that, atoms of different, bright line emission spectra are different, atoms of each element has a certain bright line spectrum. Each atom can only emit certain wavelengths of light has its own characteristics, so the bright line spectrum, called spectral lines characteristic lines atoms. By atomic characteristic lines can identify the structure of matter and the study of atoms.

If you have any questions, please contact: Email: cindy@medicalequipment-msl.com
Product details, please click:http://www.medicalequipment-msl.com/

Monday, March 14, 2016

Non-invasive and invasive ventilator ventilator differences and relations

Clinical application of mechanical ventilation with new theories and new technologies, the results of numerous studies EBM constantly rewriting the concept of clinical staff, so we need to update the view, the idea of ​​understanding non-invasive, invasive positive pressure ventilation in the treatment of respiratory failure of this traditional and new topics.

Clinical application of positive pressure ventilation, including non-invasive and invasive ventilation section. Noninvasive positive pressure (Noninvasivepositivepressureventilation, NPPV) refers to the need to create artificial airway positive pressure ventilation mode, the clinical application of multi-nose and mouth mask or nasal mask positive pressure ventilation, in addition there is also a full-face, stuffy nose and other ways NPPV therapy . Invasive positive pressure ventilation (Invasivemechanicalventilation, IMV) refers to positive pressure ventilation mode through the establishment of artificial airway (nasal or intubation, tracheotomy) performed. Non-invasive ventilation and invasive ventilation, compared with a simple setting, patients are easy to accept, is not easy to secondary lung injury and pulmonary infection and other characteristics, but it was also synchronous machines is poor, unstable tidal volume, is not conducive to the airway secretion drainage and other shortcomings.

Non-invasive ventilation

Although there noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation has some differences, but we should look at both the two important means of clinical treatment of respiratory failure or mechanical ventilation mode is a disease at different stages, and therefore non-invasive and invasive ventilation between closely linked. As AECOPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) can be applied NPPV in patients with early treatment, if further aggravate the condition can be IMV treatment, the condition can be alleviated once early extubation continue NPPV therapy to avoid complications of invasive mechanical ventilation. Clinically often this is the case, ICU doctors re-invasive ventilation and neglect non-invasive ventilation , respiratory part of doctors and too much emphasis on the importance of non-invasive ventilation; and domestic and foreign literature are mostly the non-invasive and invasive ventilation separate elaborate, this will inevitably lead to artificially separate the two. It is gratifying to many scholars at home and abroad in recent years, more and more emphasis on non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation of the close relationship between the two is bound to the correct application of more patients with respiratory failure to bring the Gospel.

If you have any questions, please contact: Email: cindy@medicalequipment-msl.com
Product details, please click:http://www.medicalequipment-msl.com/

Monday, March 7, 2016

Vomiting gastric lavage operation methods and precautions

That surgery gastric lavage gastric lavage, refers to certain components of the liquid poured into the stomach cavity, and the mixture then extracted stomach contents, so repeatedly. Its purpose is to clear the stomach is not absorbed or toxicological cleaning gastric cavity, the stomach surgery, examination preparation. For acute poisoning swallow as organic phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, alkaloids, and other drugs to Bobby, gastric lavage is an extremely important rescue measures. Gastric lavage gastric lavage surgery patients have vomiting, stomach surgery gastric lavage, laparotomy gastric lavage stoma surgery three kinds. The focus here vomiting gastric lavage methods.

Vomiting, gastric lavage surgery:
Vomiting is the body eliminate stomach poison instinctive reaction of self-defense. Vomiting due to gastric lavage technique is simple, the service shortly poison, and conscious patients with acute poisoning (except clothing corrosive poison, petroleum products and esophageal varices, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, etc.) is an effective self-help rescue scene, mutual aid measure.

1. conscious, having a gag reflex, and can cooperate with the acute poisoning, should first encourage oral gastric lavage.
2. oral toxicant time soon, within 2h best.
3. self-help in the field without the tube.

1. disturbance of consciousness.
2. seizures, uncontrolled seizures before.
3. uncooperative patient, who refused to drink.
4. clothes and petroleum products, such as corrosive poison acute poisoning.
5. associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, aortic aneurysm, esophageal varices and the like.
6. pregnant women and the elderly.

1. the first patients do ideological work, specifying the requirements and methods to obtain the cooperation is conducive to the smooth progress of the operation.
2. the patient was sitting, a large number of frequent oral gastric washing about 400 ~ 700ml, to the patient a sense of expansion for the degree of saturation.
3. then take the spatula or bamboo chopsticks (all wrapped with gauze) in patients with pharyngeal stimulation, can cause reflex vomiting, gastric lavage fluid or discharge of gastric contents. So repeatedly, until a clear, odorless discharge of gastric washing up.

1. induce vomiting after gastric lavage should immediately rushed to a nearby large hospital, as appropriate, the implementation of gastric intubation gastric lavage technique.
2. vomiting, gastric lavage should be careful aspiration, due to severe vomiting may induce acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
3. pay attention to drink intake and discharge amount approximately equal.

If you have any questions, please contact: Email: cindy@medicalequipment-msl.com
Product details, please click:http://www.medicalequipment-msl.com/

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Red light therapy instrument principle and indications presentation

Red light therapy is a new instrument can be used in hospitals, home phototherapy equipment, the basic principle is to give it 600 ~ 700nm red visible light mainly through special filters, which penetrate deep band of human efficacy more it is good. Machine high output power (equivalent to He-Ne laser of more than a hundred times), spot large (equivalent to He-Ne laser hundreds of times), better treatment for the treatment of disorders of some large area provided.

Best Red light therapy instrument

Red light therapy instrument main therapeutic range therapeutic mechanism red light therapy device is photochemical effects on the organism, to produce important biological effects and treatment effects. Cell mitochondria maximum absorption of red light after red light irradiation, mitochondrial catalase activity increases, which can increase cell metabolism; makes glycogen content increased protein synthesis and adenosine triphosphate decomposition increased, thereby enhancing cell freshmen, promote healing of wounds and ulcers; also increased phagocytosis of white blood cells, improve immune function. Thus in the clinical treatment of many diseases. From clinical trials and to gather quite a long phase of usage reports and papers can be seen in red light therapy device used properly with ancillary drugs for the treatment of dermatology, surgery, internal medicine, gynecology, burns, ENT, etc. Section many diseases.

A Picco: herpes zoster, alopecia, leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, phlebitis, erysipelas, swollen boils, dermatitis, folliculitis, acne, paronychia, rosacea, anal itching, frostbite and various genital warts, etc; Second surgery: wound infections, abscesses, ulcers, prostatitis, lumbar muscle strain, anal fissure, frozen shoulder, soft tissue contusion, burns, induration after injection buttocks, burns and post-operative healing; Three gynecology: chronic pelvic inflammation, annex inflammation, cervical erosion, leukoplakia, genital itching, breast cystic hyperplasia, acute mastitis, nipple erosion, postpartum infection after surgery and recovery; Four Medicine: children with diarrhea, ischemic heart disease, chronic gastritis, pneumonia, neuralgia; V. ENT: chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis externa, laryngitis; six Burns:II゜burns, infections and surgical healing.

If you have any questions, please contact: Email: cindy@medicalequipment-msl.com
Product details, please click:http://www.medicalequipment-msl.com/